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Monday, August 24, 2020
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Blendtec Case Essay Sample free essay sample
For the new media task our gathering chose to dissect a cultural media example. We saw the Blendtec example as exceptionally fascinating and amazing to be imparted to the rest of students. The example portrays the gigantic achievement. â€Å"Blendtec†. an American creator of high open introduction enduring liquidizers had with the guide of Social media selling. BackgroundThe story of Blendtec. an organization established by Tom Dickson begins in 1975 in Utah. USA. Tom using a different vacuity cleaner engine joined it with a rotor and stator micronetic-processing chamber. which helped factory wheat quickly and speedily. To get down the worry. Blendtec was given the beginning up capital by the K-TEC Kitchen Mill. Mature ages thusly as the smoothy transformation was warming up. organizations went to Blendtec to grow high acting. enduring liquidizers for business utilization ( Blendtec 2012 ) . Today Blendtec liquidizers are utilized by eating houses. java stores. smoothy bars and household families. We will compose a custom article test on Blendtec Case Essay Sample or on the other hand any comparable point explicitly for you Don't WasteYour Time Recruit WRITER Just 13.90/page Since Blendtec had extremely little notice spending plans to start with. they needed to think of specific viral promotion musca volitanss that could be found on. or on the other hand advanced through. cultural media stages. The company’s new Marketing Director George Wright discovered that CEO Tom Dickson and his R A ; D Team tried their stocks by intermixing up wood or other powerful stuffs ( Briggs 2009 ) . He considered this to be an extraordinary way of selling and asked Dickson to make his strange quality-control strategy preliminary on camera for posting the short picture on the web. He got a few marbles. a reprobate. a six pack of sodium carbonate. a cheap food esteem repast and golf balls. set Dickson in forepart of a camera. have oning a sterile jacket. also, requested that he intermix the buys. These arrangement of pictures were acquainted with the masses in 2006 and are known as â€Å"Will it Blend? †( Briggs 2009 ) . Investigation A ; IMPACTThe picture arrangement on YouTube was a moment accomplishment for Wright and Blendtec. In the main hebdomad of distribution they had in excess of 6,000,000 hits. Now and again along these lines the organization was conceded notice rights by Yokel! furthermore, Google. Blendtec other than utilized â€Å"The YouTube Tags†. which are of import picture positioning elements in YouTube chase outcomes to better the figure of web search tool hits ( Briggs 2009 ) . Inside two mature ages and 186 pictures consequently. the run assisted with expanding retail liquidizer net incomes by 700 for every centum and made Dickson an Internet well known individual. Blendtec has gotten a few honors for their selling plan. counting Clio Award. The net Award for viral undercutting made the YouTube Awards list in 2007 ( Renberg Winters 2009 ) . Moreover. Blendtec had a few Television visual angles. planetary meetings. print and electronic articles and web log passages or co-advancements ( Nike. Google or AT A ; T ) ( Briggs. C. 2009 ) . After the colossal accomplishment of their viral pictures on YouTube. Blendtec made their ain site with the â€Å"Will it Blend? †picture. This microsite is an extremely dynamic site. where the customer gain completely included. The object is to demo the customers what the machines can intermix and how incredible they are through humourous however dependable ways. Recordings on this site are other than distributed by means of Facebook. which about has 25 000 followings ( Facebook 2012 ) . This stage gives collaboration and conveying between the organization and the customers. The FanPage is increasingly casual and inspires the purchaser to ask things Dickson can intermix up. Next to Facebook. Blendtec other than has a Twitter history which accounts around 10 000 followings ( Twitter 2012 ) . The a large portion of import cultural media channel is as yet their YouTube channel. Since 2006 the Blendtec channel enrolled extremely fruitful hits and snap rates especially the  "iPhone†picture. which arrived at in excess of 10 million hits at that cut ( Youtube 2012 ) . Accordingly shows a colossal inclusion by purchasers. Examination/SIMILARITYIn late occasions at that spot have been a figure of effective viral runs. Generally merchants would create advertizements thus trust on broadcasting and print appropriation channels that could be costly. Viral runs make ballyhoo that empowers buyers to appropriate the sudden spike in demand for their ain. for example, Old Spice ( â€Å"The Man Your Man Could Smell Like†) . The travel industry Queensland ( â€Å"The best occupation ever†) . Blendtec ( â€Å"Will it intermix? †) . Nike ( â€Å"The Kobe Bryant Jump ) †. Mercury ( â€Å"Dynamite Surfing†) and Samsung ( â€Å"Sheep Art†) ( ProspectMX 2012 ) . The cardinal subject for all the fruitful runs are that it was existent individuals making uncommon things that caused the customer to inquire. â€Å"Is that for existent? †There were no specific scene antiques or advanced redaction. All the customers can see is. normal individuals making something that they could other than make however neer idea of it. In the occurrence of Nike using Kobe Bryant the praised circles member. the run showed how skilled the bands members are. The image shows how they hop over anything. for example, an auto and a pool brimming with snakes. The run has 2. 5 million survey crowds ( ProspectMX 2012 ) . Another effective run was Tourism Queensland which terminated its two selling specializers and set their wages together to support â€Å"The best occupation ever†run. A fortunate victor get paid $ 150 000 to populate in the Great Barrier Reef Islands and to blog about their experience on the Island ( ProspectMX 2012 ) . Cardinal LESSONS FROM THE ASSIGNMENT The cardinal focuses is clearly a low spending creation yet the achievement demonstrated that commercial by means of cultural media doesn’t request to be costly or proficient each piece long as the topographic point arrives at the imprint bunch in a fit way and makes exchange name cognizance. In any case, for what reason was this low-spending creation so effective? One of the majority of import variables of on-line achievement is the validity. All shoppers need to watch advertizements that are loaded with unreasonable condition of affairss and similarities. The validity of the liquidizer and the CEO. as the main character. makes the photos so specific. There is no hoax. no illusive universe. It’s world. The accompanying variable is the unexpected outcome. Figure comprehends what a mixed iPhone resembles. It is an amazement and cheer and it fulfills the cutting for esthesiss each individual has. This mix stuns numerous individuals. which again prompts the way that they spread the image since they need their companions other than to see something to that effect. Another factor of Blendtec’s achievement was the commitment of their buyers. They permitted their customer base to partake into the methodology by inquisitive them what they need to find in the liquidizers. The cultural media promoting run of Blendtec other than worked on the grounds that the organization adjusted the hurry to the companies’ exchange name and their plan. They knew their accessible assets and coordinated them completely with a capricious idea. What's more, that is definitely how popular selling plants. In this manner. hang out in the correct way to pull individuals and do it without hoaxes is one of the vast majority of import exercises for the correct utilization of cultural media selling. Subsequently. the sky is the limit on the off chance that it is done in the correct way. Suggestion The Blendtec occasion is an ideal outline of how popular selling functions totally. Up to now the FanPages on Facebook are extremely dynamic and the â€Å"Will it Blend? †microsite has changing over snap rates. The organization despite everything has a trustworthy Fanbase. which is really engaged by the very unique â€Å"Will it intermix? †picture ( Blendtec 2012. Facebook 2012 ) . Yet, the run began around six mature ages prior and for certain the organization will non have the option to keep up it alive for the accompanying 10 mature ages. Hence the selling director and his originative crew need to accept about new rushes to amaze their customer. The customers anticipate new. capricious musings. which incorporated the customer e. g. by using new media channels. What we can larn from this specific case is. that the organizations need to accept out of the container. An effective selling run does non ever require to be beyond a reasonable doubt won or complex. We are largely using Facebook. Twitter and YouTube on ordinary balance. That ought to do us accept that these are the head selling channels today in the event that we need to make our imprint quick and speedily and more endeavor ought to be put on the nature of advertizements through these channels. It is of import to fuse the customer base and shock them in a way that opponents does non. Besides. the organizations need to do sure that they are solid and adjust the selling run with their exchange name and plan. Clients do non want to perceive any â€Å"tricks†. be that as it may, rather lovingness and influencing makers. Blendtec considered these focuses effectively. consequently ready to expand net incomes by more than 700 % . The introduced example is a best example of how orga nizations should make it. Rundown OF SOURCES Blendtec. 2012. About us. Online Available: hypertext move convention:/www. blendtec. com/aboutus Accessed: 7 August 2012. Blendtec. 2012. Will it Blend? Online Available: hypertext move convention:/www. blendtec. com/willitblend/Accessed: 8 August 2012. Briggs. C. 2009: Blendtec Will it Blend? Viral Video Case Study. Online Available: hypertext move convention:/www. socialens. com/wp-content/transfers/2009/04/20090127_case_blendtec11. pdf Accessed: 7 August 2012. Facebook. 2012. Will it Blend? Onl
Thursday, July 16, 2020
Eating Disorders and Substance Abuse
Eating Disorders and Substance Abuse Eating Disorders Awareness and Prevention Print Eating Disorders and Substance Abuse How Are They Related and How Are They Treated? By Lauren Muhlheim, PsyD, CEDS facebook twitter linkedin Lauren Muhlheim, PsyD, is a certified eating disorders expert and clinical psychologist who provides cognitive behavioral psychotherapy. Learn about our editorial policy Lauren Muhlheim, PsyD, CEDS Medically reviewed by Medically reviewed by Steven Gans, MD on March 17, 2019 Steven Gans, MD is board-certified in psychiatry and is an active supervisor, teacher, and mentor at Massachusetts General Hospital. Learn about our Medical Review Board Steven Gans, MD Updated on March 18, 2019 More in Eating Disorders Awareness and Prevention Symptoms Treatment Diagnosis In This Article Table of Contents Expand What Are Substance Use Disorders? Prevalence and Comorbidity Which Eating Disorders and Which Substances? Eating Disorders and SUDs: What's the Link? Assessment and Treatment Implications View All Back To Top Substance use disorders (SUD) can often occur alongside eating disorders, including anorexia nervosa, bulimia nervosa, and binge eating disorder. Both SUDs and eating disorders alone can cause complex emotional, physical, and social problems along with an increased risk of death. When they occur together they can be a particularly dangerous combination and present complications for treatment. What Are Substance Use Disorders? Substance use disorders encompass a wide variety of problems related to the use of drugs. The Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, Fifth Edition (DSM-5) recognizes substance-related disorders resulting from the use of 10 separate classes of drugs including alcohol, caffeine, marijuana, and opioids. It divides the disorders into two groups: substance-use disorders and substance-induced disorders. Substance use disorders are behaviors related to the use of a substance. By contrast, substance-induced disorders refer to the intoxication effects of a particular substance and the effects of discontinuing it, as well as the different disorders that substances can induce. What Are the Criteria for Substance Use Disorders? Prevalence and Comorbidity The rate of co-occurrence of eating disorders and substance use varies greatly from study to studyâ€"from 17 percent to 46 percent. Some of this variance arises from what is measured. For instance, which population is being studied (such as a community-based versus a treatment-based study population), which eating disorders, which substances, and the degree of use (from one-time to physiological dependence) will all affect results. To date, the majority of eating disorder research has focused on women, although the few studies that include men show similar prevalence rates of comorbid disorders. In 2003 the National Center on Addiction and Substance Abuse reported that approximately 50 percent of people with eating disorders abused alcohol or other illicit substances compared to only 9 percent of the general public. They also reported that over 35 percent of the people who abused substances also had an eating disorder. Which Eating Disorders and Which Substances? Most research reports a stronger association between bulimia nervosa and substance abuse than between anorexia nervosa and substance use. Patients with bulimia nervosa and anorexia binge eating/purging type are the most likely to use substances. Patients with bulimia nervosa have the highest rates of alcohol consumption compared to all other types of eating disorders. Patients with anorexia nervosa-restricting type have been found to be the least likely to use alcohol compared to other subgroups of eating disorder patients. They are also the least likely to use other substances. Individuals with eating disorders use and abuse a variety of substances. The substances used with the highest prevalence among patients with eating disorders are sedatives, marijuana, and caffeine pills. Other substances reported include stimulants, hallucinogens, opiates, cocaine/crack, phencyclidine, and inhalants. Individuals with eating disorders may also use and abuse legal substances such as laxatives, diuretics, diet pills, thyroid hormones, nicotine, and artificial sweeteners. Eating Disorders and SUDs: Whats the Link? The associations between eating disorders and substance use are complex and not fully understood. Substance use can begin before, at the same time as, or after the onset of an eating disorder. It is not known whether one disorder replaces or provides cover for the other, whether one drives the other, or whether they might co-occur coincidentally. Some patients report that they seek substances such as methamphetamines or diet pills to try to reduce their weight. Other patients report that they develop an eating disorder after their weight or appetite has been suppressed by drug use. One study found that women with bulimia nervosa were turning to substances in order to dampen urges to binge eat while women with anorexia nervosa were using substances in order to lose weight. Theories There are several theories about why these two disorders might co-occur. Some of the proposed explanations include eating disorders themselves being a type of addiction, shared genetic and biological factors, and shared environmental risk factors such as trauma. Recent research suggests that eating disorders and SUDs share genetic underpinnings. Bulimia nervosa and substance use disorders appear to share some behavioral traits such as increased impulsivity that may predispose individuals to the development of both disorders. It is proposed that both disorders share several risk factors, including: Shared brain chemistry (impact on dopamine and serotonin brain systems)Common family history (A family history of either substance abuse or eating disorders may increase the risk for the development of the other disorder.)Low self-esteem, depression, or anxietyOnset after stressful eventsUnhealthy social norms and peer pressureVulnerability to messages from advertising and mediaHistory of childhood abuse Patients with eating disorders who also have a SUD have a more severe eating disorder and SUD symptoms, have higher relapse rates, have more severe medical complications, and are more seriously impaired than individuals with eating disorders alone. Both eating disorders and SUDs can lead to death; research suggests that when combined the mortality rate is even greater than the mortality rate for each alone. Assessment and Treatment Implications Because of the high comorbidity between eating disorders and substance use disorders, anyone being treated for one should always be assessed for the other. Unfortunately, treatment professionals trained in the detection and treatment of one may not be trained in the detection and treatment of the other. Eating disorders and SUDs are distinct disorders that have been understood and treated differently. SUD Treatment Treatment for SUDs is designed to help patients increase restraint and abstinence from substances. Individuals with SUDs are strongly encouraged to participate in self-help programs such as Alcoholics Anonymous which is believed to decrease the potential for relapse. Eating Disorder Treatment By contrast, recovery from eating disorders is conceptualized differently, requiring aggressive psychological intervention, dietary support, and medical management. One of the primary goals of treatment is to reduce overcontrol and eliminate dieting, food restriction, and compensatory behaviors while normalizing eating patterns. Self-help programs are not historically considered an important component of eating disorder treatment or relapse prevention. Co-Treatment Eating disorders and substance use disorders are rarely treated together in a comprehensive manner. Substance abuse programs often do not admit patients with active eating disorders. Similarly, eating disorder treatment programs often exclude patients who use alcohol or illicit drugs while they may admit patients who use over the counter laxatives, diuretics, or diet pills. As a result, a majority of the treatments provided are in a sequential or parallel manner, and integrated treatments programs are lacking. This lack of access to integrated treatment may increase time and cost and can leave patients diagnosed with both disorders vacillating between the two disorders. It is not uncommon for patients being treated for substance abuse to experience an increase in eating disorder symptoms as they begin working on recovery. Similarly, patients in eating disorder treatment may increase their substance use when attempting to stabilize their eating and eliminate eating disorder behaviors. Sometimes inpatient or residential treatment may be necessary for patients with both eating disorders and SUDs. Both disorders increase the risk for medical problems so medical oversight is important. Experts advise caution when using medication for the treatment of comorbid eating disorders and substance abuse because a starved body can be unpredictable in processing substances. Similarly, chemical dependency professionals may encourage dietary changes and exercise which can exacerbate symptoms of eating disorders. There is a tendency by some SUD treatment professionals to view an eating disorder as an addiction. However, there is a lack of evidence for an addiction model for eating disorders. It is important that patients with comorbid eating disorders and SUDs learn that while they can be abstinent from substances, that food is a basic need and a moderation model is best. So while they will need to increase control over substances, they actually need to decrease rigid control over eating. An integrated treatment approach that simultaneously addresses both disorders seems best when it is available. Although there is little research on integrated treatments for both disorders, researchers suggest that CBT and dialectical behavior therapy (DBT), which have been successfully applied to both disorders, would be reasonable candidates for combined treatments. Integrated cognitive behavioral therapy can be effectively adapted to treat patients with co-occurring eating disorders and substance use. Note that a related issue at the intersection of eating disorders and substance use disorders is what is often referred to as drunkorexia, or deliberately eating less food prior to alcohol use in an effort to compensate for alcohol calories that one is planning to consume. What Is Drunkorexia? A Word From Verywell If you or someone you love is struggling with an eating disorder and substance abuse, please seek help from a trained professional who can provide treatment recommendations. Early intervention improves the outcome for both as well as combined conditions. How Medications and Psychotherapy Can Treat Eating Disorders
Thursday, May 21, 2020
What Does the NSA Acronym PRISM Stand For
PRISM is an acronym for the program launched by the National Security Agency to collect and analyze massive volumes of private data stored on servers operated by Internet service providers and held by large web companies including Microsoft, Yahoo!, Google, Facebook, AOL, Skype, YouTube and Apple. Specifically, national intelligence director James Clapper defined the PRISM program in June 2013 as an internal government computer system used to facilitate the government’s statutorily authorized collection of foreign intelligence information from electronic communication service providers under court supervision. The NSA does not need a warrant to obtain the information, though the constitutionality of the program has been called into question. A federal judge declared the program illegal in 2013. Here are some questions and answers about the program and the NSA acronym. What Does PRISM Stand For? PRISM is an acronym for Planning Tool for Resource Integration, Synchronization, and Management. So What Does PRISM Really Do? According to published reports, the National Security Agency has been using the PRISM program to monitor information and data communicated via the Internet. Those data are contained in audio, video and image files, email messages and web searches on major U.S. Internet company websites. The National Security Agency has acknowledged that it inadvertently collects from some Americans without a warrant in the name of national security. It has not said how often that happens, though. Officials have said the governments policy is to destroy such personal information. All that intelligence officials will say is that the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act cannot be used to intentionally target any U.S. citizen, or any other U.S. person, or to intentionally target any person known to be in the United States. Instead, PRISM is used for an appropriate, and documented, foreign intelligence purpose for the acquisition (such as for the prevention of terrorism, hostile cyber activities, or nuclear proliferation) and the foreign target is reasonably believed to be outside the United States. Why Does the Government Use PRISM? Intelligence officials say they are authorized to monitor such communications and data in an effort to prevent terrorism. They monitor servers and communications in the United States because they may hold valuable information that originated overseas. Has PRISM Prevented Any Attacks Yes, according to unnamed government sources. According to them, the PRISM program helped stop an Islamist militant named Najibullah Zazi from carrying out plans to bomb the the New York City subway system in 2009. Does the Government Have the Right to Monitor Such Communication? Members of the intelligence community say they have a right to use the PRISM program and similar surveillance techniques for monitoring electronic communications under the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act. When Did the Government Start Using PRISM? The National Security Agency started using PRISM in 2008, the last year of Republican George W. Bushs administration, which ramped up national security efforts in the wake of the terrorist attacks of Sept. 11, 2001. Who Oversees PRISM The National Security Agencys surveillance efforts are governed, foremost, by the U.S. Constitution and are supposed to be overseen by a number of entities including the executive, legislation and judicial branches of the federal government. Specifically, oversight on PRISM come from the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act Court, the Congressional Intelligence and Judiciary Committees, and of course the president of the United States. Controversy over PRISM The revelation that the government was monitoring such Internet communications was disclosed during President Barack Obamas administration. It came under scrutiny by members of both major political parties. Obama defended the PRISM program, however, by saying it was necessary for Americans to give up some measure of privacy in order to remain safe from terrorist attacks. I think it’s important to recognize that you can’t have a hundred percent security and also then have a hundred percent privacy and zero inconvenience. You know, we’re going to have to make some choices as a society, Obama said in June 2013.
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Job Exploration Example
Essays on Job Exploration Coursework Job exploration Job exploration Employee satisfaction is a key factor that determines the success and survival of organizations. Many organizations are working towards reducing the rate of employee turnover. The only way organizations can retain employees is through ensuring they are comfortable at their place of work. To be comfortable, there are various demands made by individual employees depending on the nature of their work. To fight for better working conditions, employees come together to form unions. The organizations have also crafted a human resource management department that works with the worker unions to ensure workers are treated in line with their preferences. There are common factors that often determine employee satisfaction across all industries. The major factor that determines employee retention is remuneration. Whenever an employee feels that they are not well compensated for their services to the organization, they will always leave for companies that pay accor ding to their expectations. Another factor is the overall conditions at the place of work. An employee may feel mistreated by management or even by their colleagues. The organization culture may be unfavorable to some employees by making them slaves of the seniors. Other organizational cultures may hinder communication from juniors to seniors or even among the employees. Employees in such organizations may feel isolated and even unwanted as they cannot communicate their grievances to the seniors. Employees can also feel unappreciated when they or their work is taken for granted. Harassment by the management can also lead to employee turnover. When employees are constantly subjected to abuse by management, they start to dislike their place of work. Their productivity is lowered and they eventually leave to a place where they and their work are appreciated. Another factor revealed by employees is job location. Most employees indicated that they could prefer to exit their current emplo yment if they are transferred to other locations, especially areas of hardship or rural areas.
Compulsory Education Free Essays
â€Å"Thank you God for whom we all are equal so here I stand one girl among many , I speak not for myself , but all the boys and girls that fought for their rights to get their right to equality of opportunity to get an education†said Malala Yousafzai. Malala is a young girl who fought for her education, her future and her right in Pakistan to be able to learn and get free compulsory education. Compulsory education should be mandatory for every We will write a custom essay sample on Compulsory Education or any similar topic only for you Order Now com/discrimination-among-girl-child-and-boy-child/"girl and boy because everyone deserve to have a great education, nobody can get a good job without having a great education. To begin with, free compulsory education should be mandatory for every boys and girls because everyone deserve to have a great education. Children can make a huge difference by picking up a pen and paper to make the world know that we are ready to learn. Education can entitle children to make better learning environment. Also, education will help children go to college and accomplish a goal in their life to seek for new idea each and every day. For example, Malala Yousafzai made a difference in her country Pakistan by standing among many other children and speak her rights about having education in her life. Malala wanted compulsory education and equal right for all girls and boy. Malala has been in many difficulties situation like getting shot in on her left side of her forehead and losing two of her friends, but that night she did not know what was coming for her, they thought that the bullets would silence them. But it failed, and the terrorists thought that they would change but nothing change that night except strength, power and courage to stand up to her hopes and dreams. Now since she recovering she protesting about have the illegal right to have free compulsory education for every boy and girl because we are all equal and we need a future ahead of us. This story proves that compulsory education should be mandatory for every boys and girl and have the right to learn. Nobody wants to have no goal in their life, so compulsory education should be mandatory for every girls and boys. Additionally, free compulsory education should be mandatory for every girls and boys because nobody want to be that person without getting a good job and no type of education in their future to move on and to be a succesful person. No one wants to be that person without going to college and preparing to be something with no future ahead of them and no goal, the greatest miracle of your success in life will not be that you finished, it will be that you had the courage to begin getting fee compulsory education and learn new thing. Nowadays, everyone knows how important education is. The obvious evidence is the decreasing rate of illiteracy, almost children wants a future in they life. Education can decide the future of any country in the world. So, governments throughout the world should make education compulsory for all children, everyone have an equal opportunity to receive free compulsory education. For example, Malala Yousafzai made a different because education is allowed for all women and for all ages in Saudi Arabia and every child is required to receive an education. Women and men are educated separately, but they have the same opportunities and equal access to education. It used to be that women could just be teachers, but now the government has opened a lot of opportunities: accountant, doctor, nurse, and more. In the last five years, there have been a lot of changes. There is even a special university to prepare women for better jobs. It will have a positive impact because Malala asked for something that she should have. She asked for an education for the women in her country and she has a right to that. Malala did the right thing and she kept on going and kept fighting for her right to have free compulsory education. This story proves why compulsory education should be mandatory for every girls and boys. Education should be made for everyone because we are all equal and education should be require for everyone so children would not fail in life. How to cite Compulsory Education, Papers
Compulsory Education Free Essays
â€Å"Thank you God for whom we all are equal so here I stand one girl among many , I speak not for myself , but all the boys and girls that fought for their rights to get their right to equality of opportunity to get an education†said Malala Yousafzai. Malala is a young girl who fought for her education, her future and her right in Pakistan to be able to learn and get free compulsory education. Compulsory education should be mandatory for every We will write a custom essay sample on Compulsory Education or any similar topic only for you Order Now com/discrimination-among-girl-child-and-boy-child/"girl and boy because everyone deserve to have a great education, nobody can get a good job without having a great education. To begin with, free compulsory education should be mandatory for every boys and girls because everyone deserve to have a great education. Children can make a huge difference by picking up a pen and paper to make the world know that we are ready to learn. Education can entitle children to make better learning environment. Also, education will help children go to college and accomplish a goal in their life to seek for new idea each and every day. For example, Malala Yousafzai made a difference in her country Pakistan by standing among many other children and speak her rights about having education in her life. Malala wanted compulsory education and equal right for all girls and boy. Malala has been in many difficulties situation like getting shot in on her left side of her forehead and losing two of her friends, but that night she did not know what was coming for her, they thought that the bullets would silence them. But it failed, and the terrorists thought that they would change but nothing change that night except strength, power and courage to stand up to her hopes and dreams. Now since she recovering she protesting about have the illegal right to have free compulsory education for every boy and girl because we are all equal and we need a future ahead of us. This story proves that compulsory education should be mandatory for every boys and girl and have the right to learn. Nobody wants to have no goal in their life, so compulsory education should be mandatory for every girls and boys. Additionally, free compulsory education should be mandatory for every girls and boys because nobody want to be that person without getting a good job and no type of education in their future to move on and to be a succesful person. No one wants to be that person without going to college and preparing to be something with no future ahead of them and no goal, the greatest miracle of your success in life will not be that you finished, it will be that you had the courage to begin getting fee compulsory education and learn new thing. Nowadays, everyone knows how important education is. The obvious evidence is the decreasing rate of illiteracy, almost children wants a future in they life. Education can decide the future of any country in the world. So, governments throughout the world should make education compulsory for all children, everyone have an equal opportunity to receive free compulsory education. For example, Malala Yousafzai made a different because education is allowed for all women and for all ages in Saudi Arabia and every child is required to receive an education. Women and men are educated separately, but they have the same opportunities and equal access to education. It used to be that women could just be teachers, but now the government has opened a lot of opportunities: accountant, doctor, nurse, and more. In the last five years, there have been a lot of changes. There is even a special university to prepare women for better jobs. It will have a positive impact because Malala asked for something that she should have. She asked for an education for the women in her country and she has a right to that. Malala did the right thing and she kept on going and kept fighting for her right to have free compulsory education. This story proves why compulsory education should be mandatory for every girls and boys. Education should be made for everyone because we are all equal and education should be require for everyone so children would not fail in life. How to cite Compulsory Education, Papers
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