Friday, November 29, 2019
Effectiveness Essays - Conversation, Oral Communication,
Effectiveness I consider my ability to communicate verbally to be just okay. There are a few reasons why I would evaluate myself this way. One is that I have a tendency to mumble. It is possible that I mumble because I try to talk too fast. I do not know why I try to talk so fast. I realize that I have this problem and when I carry on a conversation I try to slow my speech down so that it can be understood. Another problem that I have with communicating is that I talk soft or quietly. I try to speak loud enough for people to understand what I am saying. When I start talking really fast and quiet whom ever I am talking with will ask me to repeat myself, and it bugs me. I would like to perfect my speaking voice. I feel I can communicate well with other people because when I speak people tend to listen what I say. When the person I am talking to speaks to me I give them my attention in return. I feel that if a conversation lacks the attention of one of the people communicating then there is no real communication going on. I feel that I do a good job of keeping people's attention when I speak that is, unless I am mumbling. There is more to communicating then just the speech part. The ability to listen plays almost as big a role as the verbal part. I feel I am an excellent listener and that helps out my communication skills. I am sure that my listening skills could use fine-tuning, but that is also a reason that I am in this class. My occupation goal is to be a psychiatrist so my listening skills need to be superb. These are the reasons that I feel that I can communicate okay. I would like to work on my ability to communicate better. I feel that my communication skills should be excellent. I am sure there are many ways in which my communication skills could be adjusted that I am not aware of and hopefully by the end of this class they will be brought to my attention.
Monday, November 25, 2019
Alchemy Essays - Hermeticism, Paranormal, Alchemy, Esotericism
Alchemy Essays - Hermeticism, Paranormal, Alchemy, Esotericism Alchemy Alchemy There are many ways to examine the subject of alchemy, including alchemy as a source of symbolism, psychology, and mysticism. It has also been an influence on the world view of various writers, artist, and musicians. The focus of this report is alchemy as a pre-chemistry, which gave a new impulse towards the preparation of medicinal remedies and also was a major influence on today's scientific investigations. Alchemy is an ancient art, practiced in the Middle Ages. The fundamental concept of alchemy stemmed from Aristotle's doctrine that all things tend to reach perfection. Because other metals were thought to be less perfect than gold, it was reasonable to believe that nature created gold out of other metals found deep within the earth and that a skilled artisan could duplicate this process. It was said that once someone was able to change, or transmute a base chemical into the perfect metal, gold, they would have achieved eternal life and salvation. In this way, alchemy turned into not only a scientific quest, but a spiritual quest as well. Although the purposes and techniques were often times ritualistic and fanciful, alchemy was in many ways the predecessor of modern science, especially the science of chemistry. The birthplace of alchemy was ancient Egypt, where, in Alexandria, it began to flourish during the Hellenistic period. Also at that time, a school of alchemy was developing in China. The writings of some Greek philosophers may be considered to be among the very first chemical theories, such as the theory that all things are composed of air, earth, fire, and water. Each of these were represented by different elements, such as sulfur, salt, mercury, and, ideally, gold. Other ideas held by alchemists were that each of the known elements were represented by heavenly bodies. Gold was earth's representation of the sun, silver for the moon, mercury for the planet Mercury, copper for Venus, iron for Mars, tin for Jupiter, and lead for Saturn. The typical alchemist's laboratory in Renaissance Europe was a dark, cluttered place that stank of smoke and mysterious chemicals. Many alchemists worked at home, in order to save money and avoid outside interference. Some settled in the kitchen, to take advantage of the cooking fire. Others chose the attic or cellar, where late-night activity was less likely to be noticed by inquisitive neighbors. These small, makeshift laboratories were often filled with a grimy jumble of instruments, manuscripts, skulls, animal specimens, and assorted mystical objects. Most alchemists also had an alter in their lab, which was a aid they deemed necessary to the spiritual aspects of their pursuit- eternal life and unimaginable power. In these surroundings that owed more to mysticism than to science, attempts to discover the magical substance that would turn base metals into gold inadvertently laid much of the groundwork for the later discipline of applied chemistry. Alchemists were the first to isol ate a number of chemicals, from phosphorus to hydrochloric acid, and they also developed new equipment and methods for distilling fluids, assaying metals, and controlling chemical reactions. One method the alchemist helped to develop was the use of heat to start reactions. Thomas Norton, a fifteenth century alchemist wrote A perfect Master ye may call him true, that knoweth his Heates both high and lowe. The alchemist experimented with a number of furnaces, water baths, and other heating apparatus. They also refined the process of distillation and created many flasks and stills. As the world approached the late 18th century, people grew skeptical of alchemy's mystical and astrological attempts at turning common metals into gold. The alchemists of Europe then divided into two separate groups. One group took up the visionary, metaphysical side of the older alchemy and developed it into a practice based on imposture, necromancy, and fraud, which is the prevailing notion of alchemy today. The other group, however, devoted themselves to the scientific discovery of new compounds and reactions. These few scientists were the legitimate ancestors of modern chemistry.
Thursday, November 21, 2019
Challenges in the Global Business Environment Essay - 1
Challenges in the Global Business Environment - Essay Example zation has false links with labor malpractices such as child labor, discrimination in providing health care to its staff, sweatshops and in addition, it is facing stiff competition from other organizations such as Pepsi (Starbard 2008 pg78). Competitors like Pepsi are introducing alternative beverages such as energy drinks, mineral water, fruit juice, and Gatorade. This has challenged coca-cola to diversify its products by introducing brands such as minute maid, mineral water, sprite among others. The coca cola business is truly global and consumers recognize its main brands globally. The organization has structured itself in such a way that reflects a global view. This is achieved by decentralization of operation and setting up of production plants in over 200 countries in the world. In 2001, Coca Cola Company restructured its business geographically in different operating stations all over the world. In this process, the organization renamed these centers and rebranded them. North America station changed to include; Puerto Rico, which was initially stationed in Latin America. Eurasia was changed to reflect Eurasia, Middle East, and Europe. Africa and Middle East also changed their name to coca cola Africa. The company essentially produces concentrate and syrup and sells them to bottling companies all over the world. The bottling and canning companies have the role of packaging and distributing final products. There is an agreement between the Coke Company and separate bottling companies on how to produce and sell coke products. The agreement authorizes the bottlers to produce and sell beverages bearing the trademark of Coke in identified countries and territories. Coke engage in business with three types of bottlers or contractors; bottling companies where the organization has invested in and has no controlling or management interest, bottling contractors where the organization has invested and has controlling intentions and finally bottling companies where
Wednesday, November 20, 2019
Marketing Strategy of Aer Lingus Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 5000 words
Marketing Strategy of Aer Lingus - Assignment Example Currently, Irish government holds 25.1% of shareholding in Aer Lingus. The airline company operates as ‘value carrier’ while it has signed number of agreements air line companies of other countries such as Aer Arann, Air Bus etc in order to manage its low cost services. Primary market for Aer Lingus includes Republic of Ireland, continental Europe, UK and USA. In the year 2012, the Irish airline company has carried more than 9.6 million passengers across the boundaries. In the year ended 31 December 2012, the company has reported annual revenue of more than â‚ ¬1,350 million with operating profit hovering over â‚ ¬65 million. The company has established its base airport in Belfast City and shown the interest to expand its destination routes by 2 times in next couple of years (Competition Commission, 2013). The Irish airline carrier has established its base in Belfast City along destination points include Manchester, Birmingham, Gatwick and Heathrow airports of UK ( Competition Commission, 2013). Great Britain-Ireland destination root contributes 30% to 33% of the top line growth and 45% of total passengers for Air Lingus. Until 2001, Aer Lingus operated as full service carrier but after 9/11 world trade centre terrorism the company has transformed itself as low-cost carrier. Since 2009, the company has completely changed its positioning statement has become ‘value carrier’ by serving centrally located airports in order to decrease its travel path and save the fuel cost in order to deliver service to customers at competitive price. The company has also entered in partnership with existing low-cost airlines in order to deliver low cost services to customers...Conjoint impact of reduction of disposable income of consumers and entry of resource rich international airlines have pushed Aer Lingus to reposition as value carrier. Hence it can be said that, although the problem for Aer Lingus is strategic in nature but the brand can reposi tion itself with the help of integrated marketing communication strategy. However, let’s try to understand changing macro environmental challenges for Aer Lingus in terms of PESTLE Analysis. VCCP Blue (2008) has pointed out that Aer Lingus spends only â‚ ¬2 million for implementing its IMC plan which is way below than the industry average of advertising to sales ratio (A/S ratio). Hence it is recommended for the company to increase its advertising position in order to use all channels of communication in effective manner. On the basis of PESTLE analysis, it can be said that the company needs to promote its green initiatives such decreasing the carbon emission in short haul travel, creating greenery in African nations etc in the form of press release. They need to use the print media advertisement in order to release key benefits that can be achieved through merger & acquisition in order to create positive word of mouth regarding the event among customers. Such kind of indirect lobbying also help Aer Lingus in legal proceedings.
Monday, November 18, 2019
Agency and Franchising Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Agency and Franchising - Essay Example Two types of retail business format are popular; agency and franchising. Agency or an agent can be broadly described as a person with an authority to represent another person, persons or corporation (called the Principal) (Brillinger, p214). The agent therefore, represents the principal in all the commercial transactions. It is important to understand that as the agent represents the principal, the principal, by default, becomes liable for all the acts of omission and commission of the agent. Even when the agent’s appointment may have pre-defined authority as given by the principal, the principal becomes responsible for all the leverages taken by the agent while conducting business on his behalf. The goods and services sold by the agent are owned by the principal, he is just the intermediary who acts on behalf of the owner of the goods and services. ‘By virtue of an agency, the seller contracts directly with the customer, who is seller’s customer, not that of agent’ (Ishani, 2007). The franchising is ‘a marketing system revolving around a two-party legal agreement, whereby the franchisee conducts business according to the terms specified by the franchisor’ (Longenecker, chapter 3). The process of ‘franchising’, therefore, has become popular in the emerging economy which presents wide scope for the parties, franchisee and the franchisor. The franchising format of business primarily comprises of licensing another person to run the business in a pre-determined format. The franchisor is able to expand his business and spread them in wider areas of operation in a relatively short time and with reduced capital cost. By facilitating goods and services to the franchisee, the franchisor is relieved of the pressures of day today operation and at the same time, he is able to control the appearance and operation of the franchisee
Saturday, November 16, 2019
Sound As The Medium Of Expression Music Essay
Sound As The Medium Of Expression Music Essay A form of art that uses Sound as the medium of expression, Music is the universal language spoken around the globe. It is a major part in cultures around the world, bringing people together from different backgrounds and social circles, if only to indulge themselves in one of the finest treats; Listening to good music and dance. Around the world, music is directly related to happiness and peace. The animatics used in the particular video I have selected give a play by play description of how music affects lives globally. It does not matter whether a person is from the United States of America or from as far as the Netherlands, music is the ever present entity that connects individuals to each other like no other entity can. Be it a complete burst of absolute happiness or a splat of depression, Music is the one entity, that one quintessential being that easily expresses all the feelings of a person, giving vent to silent anger/rage or complete articulate bliss. In making my animatic, I have used photographs of people from across the globe. Using a narrative style of expression, the video takes viewers through the lives of the individuals appearing on the screen as they express how music changed their life or how it just gave them a reason to live. The different narrators appearing in the shots in the animatic talk about how and why Music is a big part of their lives most of them even going so far as to say that without Music and Dance, life would not be worth living. Every actor is given a close-up shot, in order to make them seem more relatable and generally more realistic. (Gender goggles, Narrative as essence of film) From the non-narrative perspective, the film was made on a very small budget and is an amalgamation of different snap shots depicting people in different positions/action sequences, run together so as to make a full-fledged film with a basic theme: Music is everything. Starting from Ankara, the viewer is made to travel across the globe through England, Russia and finally Nepal. Each individual narrates his/her own story and talks about how music has played a great part in effectively changing their lives. Films, being viewed universally by audiences of vast backgrounds and different ken, cannot be confined to a particular language unlike the literary works of art that have made so many artists famous all over the world. The works of art that are produced within the magical cinemas across the world contain messages that have to be delivered to a vast audience around the globe. Thus, they usually conspire to achieve this objective by making use of the medium of expression(s) such as via photographs, videos, etc which is not limited to a select audience but can be viewed by a vast number of people from different backgrounds, without the hindrance of one particular language. (Language of Film) For this reason, Christian Metz states, in reference to film semiotics, à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦thus, cinema is a language in the sense that it is a technico-sensorial unity, graspable in perceptual experience. With reference to my animatics, the language in common that I have used is English, as it is the most spoken language around the globe and is therefore easily understood by almost the whole world. The native languages of the narrators in the video have been translated to English for the ease of the viewers understanding. The shots have been so arranged so as to give a sequential plot to the story. It is however important to keep in mind the exact timing of the who, what, where, when and how elements of any story before it can be presented as a finalized version to any audience. Too much time taken in either of these can cause the audience to lose interest, and the story to lose flavor. (Semiotics and Film Theory) Each shot starts from Who, taking a close-up of each individual so that the audience can easily relate to them as they narrate their story. Before each new story frame begins, a hand drawn map indicating the country Where the incident is taking place comes up on screen, with an arrow pointing towards the exact location. However, in order to help the audience better relate to the plot and the actors, the shots taken of the location are mostly MCU and MS; this shows what the subject is doing, and presents him/her in an objective light to the viewer. A close up of each individual is important to make the audience feel as though they somehow know the person intimately, and this is followed by a few short photos that show How each individual expresses his love for music; these can be dancing, listening to music or simply singing. The ideology behind the film relates to how music spreads happiness across continents, irrespective of social/cultural barriers. (Hughes, Film and Ideology) There is no right and wrong only an objective depiction of how the art of music brings into the lives of all the people it reaches certain happiness that light up the darkness around. There is no place around the globe where Music has not penetrated; no soul on the planet left unturned by the soulful music that erupts forth from blasting speakers rocking a party; or simply calming the racing heart of an over stressed individual. From 9 years to 90, music is the language spoken by all. It spreads love and joy wherever it goes, and is also there to give company when a person is upset or sad. This film bases its animatic placements on the importance of music in our lives, and aims towards projecting the positive view people have of music for those who are against it (religiously, or other wise). It serves to logically define the boundaries that separate individuals from one another, while at the same time aiming towards and achieving a complete eradication of the very boundaries it first talks about. After showing the different stories of individuals so uniquely affected by music, it follows on to show the rise in perception of music in different parts of the world; and how this gift of sound renders the world immobile with its absolute power and beauty. The film focuses on showing to the audience that such unique gifts as music cannot be judged, and should not be held in contempt of the different backgrounds it arises from. It is not up to mere mortals to judge the absolute importance of music, and that is the essence of this entire animatic. The world of music is too vast to be contemplated by the likes of ordinary people, and must only be enjoyed as is in its pure, raw beauty. Any particular genre being listened to must never be compared to another genre of music, as each genre is different and unique in its own style and personality of hearing. People from all walks of life are joined together by music, and as such this purity of sound must be taken in its true form. The abject framing of the film also talks about how, for music lovers, dancing is another outlet for emotion and a way to express themselves. Music is not just a way to pass the time, it is a complete culture and my animatic serves to prove that claim. The narrative and non-narrative styles used in the film pertain to explaining in a comprehensive way to the audience aptly watching, that music is acceptable in all forms to all kinds of people, from all forms of life. It cannot be differentiated from one genre to the next or, at the very least, one genre cannot be thought better than the other, as each has its own unique place in the overall setup of the Musical industry. Also, music provides a way of emanating ones culture to the outside world, and gracefully showing the better sides of ones cultural heritage. Music can help show off the richer cultures of most of the countries of the world, and as such can cross boundaries and climb barriers of culture/language and gender like no other tool across the universe is able to do. This animatic serves to provide a platform through which to showcase the importance of music around the world, and uses different cultural backgrounds to get to it. The ideology behind the films framing is that music can identify with individuals on a level no other instrument of artistic design is able to. This in itself, is an accomplishment to be cherished and cultured, as it has the ability to throw together two wildly divergent factions of society and join them in a union that is unbreakable so long as either party continues to retain a certain modicum of interest in the music being played.
Wednesday, November 13, 2019
The Red Room :: English Literature
The Red Room I am writing an essay, based on the story ‘The Red Room’, and will try to explain what makes it such a good mystery story. Some of the main reasons for why it’s a great story include the vocabulary and words the author has used and the setting that the story is created in. The author uses gothic language, giving the story more suspense; he also sets the story in a haunted setting which builds up tension. The story was written by HG Wells, between the turn of the 20th century. HG Wells was an English author and a political philosopher; he was most famous for his science fiction romances. Wells gets across his ideas of the red room in many ways throughout the story. ‘The Red room’ belongs to the gothic genre. A gothic novel emphasises mystery and horror and it is filled with ghost haunted rooms, just as ‘The Red Room’ does. They also have underground passages, secret stair ways and so on. The genre builds up a mount of tension in the story where the description of the house gives the impression that it is old and abandoned. The old woman says, ‘eight and twenty years you have lived and never seen the likes of this house’. This illustrates that the house must be historic and it could also be decaying. The story of ‘The Red Room’ is written in first person, this suggests that the reader believes it’s from personal experience and knows what they’re feeling. At the beginning of the story, the main character (also the narrator) is open minded and sure of himself. He believes that there are no ghosts. He is very cynical, which is shown when he refuses to believe what the three old pensioners tell him. The anonymous character is referred to as `I’ as we don’t know how these pensioners know him or who he is. This leaves him with no identity, making readers think he’s mysterious. The character says ‘I can assure you said I, that it will take a very tangible ghost to frighten me.’ The author uses very expressive words in his writing and uses the adjective `tangible’; this means you can touch the ghost. You cannot touch ghosts genuinely and this is why the author uses this adjective, because the character believes ghosts are not real. The character feels unsure when the three old pensioners make him feel uncomfortable. He says `the three old pensioners made me feel uncomfortable.' This explains that the character is not made to feel at ease. It also brings out that the old pensioners are quite
Monday, November 11, 2019
Servequal Model
SERVEQUAL MODEL (Measuring Service Quality of Hospitals in Larkana) Author 1: Sumeet Seedani (SZABIST) Contact #: 03333633233 Email: [email protected] com Author 2: Naveed Anwar Contact number: 03562141247 Email address: [email protected] szabist. edu. pk Table of contents: Abstract03 Introduction and04 Literature Review05 Importance07 Research Methodology08 Five Dimensions (Variables)09 Data Analysis10 Findings11 Conclusion12 Bibliography13 ABSTRACTService quality is a concept that has stimulated considerable interest and debate in the research literature because of the difficulties in both defining and measuring it. Customer satisfaction and service quality always treated together as customer’s perception and expectation, and the gap will show the result of the total satisfaction. The aim of the study is to rank the 5 dimensions of the service quality to measure the service quality of hospitals in larkana with the help of SERVEQUAL Model.This study also examines the Se rvice quality gap by measuring the gap between Hospital’s patient’s expectations and perceptions. This research shows that all the dimensions of the service are very much important for the service quality. Tangibility was rated as the most important dimension followed by assurance, reliability, responsiveness and empathy. The questionnaire used for this study was â€Å"SERVICE Quality: SERVEQUAL (Parasuraman, Zeithaml, and Berry 1986, 1988)†. The measurements used were on the basis of SERVEQUAL Model which is the best way to measure the service quality.This study state that the expectations were so much high but the perceptions are not that much strong and there is a huge gap between Patient’s Expectations and perception. Key words: Service quality, Customer satisfaction, perception and expectation, gap, Tangibility, assurance, reliability, responsiveness empathy. Introduction SERVEQUAL model is a method to measure a service quality. It was created in 198 0’s especially for the projects related to marketing to find the perception of customer regarding the service quality.In SERVEQUAL, quality is defined through the gap or space which customer got and perceive regarding the service quality. It’s very difficult to understand and measure the service quality, especially in the field of service providers in health care field and if we talk about the larkana than its more complex that’s why I choose the SERVEQUAL model to measure the service quality of Larkana hospitals and medical centers to know the effect of service quality on the customer perception.This research examines the measurement of service quality in hospitals of larkana, through the help of SERVEQUAL model to know, what are the gaps between, the service perceived and got by the customers or patients in the larkana. Service quality is all about ensuring customers, both internal and external, get what they want. Customer satisfaction is a attitude or feelin g of customer toward the service after using the service. Satisfaction and service quality is always treated together to know the perception.Satisfaction is defining customer perception and expectation, customer satisfactions is determined by defining customer perception of quality, expectation and preferences. It’s always arises a important question that why we measure the service quality? Because the measurement of service quality, is a comparison of before and after changes for the service quality. It also gives the solution of the problem for the betterment of service delivery standard.The main purpose of this research is to find the most important service quality dimensions that affect the customer satisfactions in hospitals in larkana, by using the SERVEQUAL model which is the best way to measure the service quality. Measuring the service quality is very crucial for the hospitals today, to improve the quality and image of the hospital, to study the importance and impact of service quality of hospitals on patients, to find the important dimensions of service quality which effect on customer satisfactions in hospitals and to determine customer need in their treatment in hospitals in larkana.In last few decades the importance of service quality has increased and every industries and departments are trying to find the reasons which effect the customer perception and satisfaction, and trying to give better quality that’s why this research is also very important to measure the service quality of hospitals via SERVEQUAL model. SERVEQUAL breaks service quality in five basic dimensions, Reliability, assurance, tangibles, understanding and responsiveness.So in this research these five dimensions are also considered and examine to measure the service quality and factors which effect the perception of customer towards the service quality. Literature review: This part gives you an overview of literature about the models related to the problem statement which discussed in introduction. In this we study about the concept of customer satisfaction, service quality, relation between customer satisfaction and service quality and its effect on consumer mind, traditional service quality dimensions and hospital’s service quality in order to give a clear idea about the research area.As it is discussed by Kotler (2003); there is a general agreement that: Satisfaction is a person’s feelings of pleasure or disappointment resulting from comparing a product’s perceived performance (outcome) in relation to his or her expectations. Based on this review, customer satisfaction is defined as the result of a cognitive and addictive evaluation, where some comparison standard is compared to the actually perceived performance.Furthermore, Omachonu (1990); stated that Health care quality has been posited to consist of two parts: quality in fact and quality as perceived by the consumer. Means how actually customer perceived the service quality and how its experience during the availing of the service, and every customer having its own perception. Another side it is argued that satisfaction is associated with performance that fulfils the expectation, while dissatisfaction occurs when performance falls below the expectation (Swan and combs 1976).This review based that when the service quality meet the customer expectation they satisfy and when service quality doesn’t meet with the customer expectation they got dissatisfied and they never avail that service, means there is a huge relation between the service quality on customer perception, because when customer once satisfy from the service quality he/she again avail that service because he make his mind set about that particular industry.Health care practitioners would contend that service quality is a provision of appropriate and technically sound care that produces the desire affect; however it has been misperceive their patient’s perception sometim es (McAlexander et al 1994).Means the service providers in hospital industry always trying to introduce new technologies to give the good service quality to their patients to change their mind and perception and to satisfy them by meet their expectation but sometimes some patients misperceive it and take it in a another side which is a loss for the hospitals, that’s why it is always difficult to measure the service quality specially in the field of hospital industry but it’s important for every department and industry now. As Dr. K.Ravichandran et al (2010) defining that every retail industries are consequently directing their strategies towards increasing service quality level which fosters customer satisfaction and loyalty improved service quality. He further discussed that; increase in service quality in retail industry can develop customer satisfaction which ultimately retains valued customer. It review stated that in today’s era its very much important for any organization or any industry to increase service quality and do work according the customer expectation than any organization can got success in business world and through this a organization can retail the oyal and valuable customer. James H. mcAlexendar (1994) discussed in his research that marketer generally view the service quality from the perspective of health care customers because marketers understand that patients perception of service quality may be more broadly constructed than those of the health care provider and based upon a more holistic assessment of the health care experience. Because patient’s perspective regarding service quality may include perception of technical care but also seemingly peripheral concerns as physical facilities, interactions with receptionists and even brochures.It argued by the Kekale (2001) that it is some how the measurement of customer dissatisfaction and offers a possibility for the elimination of falls, not a possibility for pr oduct development and product innovation. Companies should gather and analyze the suitable data, which will provide relevant information to real customer satisfaction. It is important to measure the right things, i. e. what is really important for the Customers. There is the possibility of wrong specifications or misinterpretations of what a customer actually wants.Means the gap between what companies think and what actually customer wants can also affect the service quality. It is not always be true that performance will equal to expectation as described in International journal of nursing studies (2007) that performance was relatively lower than expectations, resulting in poor nursing care quality. Differences between expectations and performance for both patients and nurses need to be further reduced. As its also discussed by the Tolgo taner et al (1997) that there is different service quality provided in private and public sector.He further discussed that inpatients in the priva te hospital were more satisfied with service quality than those in public hospitals. The result also suggest that patients in private hospitals were more satisfied with doctors, nuerses and supportive than their counterparts in public hospitals. One research suggest that customers are reluctant to complain when dissatisfied with professional and when they dissatisfied they tell to more customers means it become the word of mouth. Andreasen et al 1985). This result could be the health care professional would bear the burden of having dissatisfied patients, including negative word of mouth and patient turn over. IMPORTANCE of the Research: A good research is effective tool for reader and for a society for many positive changes in the environment. Especially, if we talk about the service oriented organization than we come to know that the base for their success is that they study well about their customers.So this research is helpful to know that how much there is a gap between the cus tomer perception and expectation and how much they get satisfied after availing the service of hospitals located in the larkana. This study is especially design to measure the service quality of hospitals in the Larkana. This research is also important study for to know that which are the drawbacks in private hospital sector and are customers (patients) are satisfied or not? This study is important for doctors to know that what patients want from them and how some changes can improve their quality for their customers.METHODOLOGY DESIGN RESEARCH TYPE * This Research is based on exploratory format and it is developed from qualitative point of view. METHODS AND TECHNIQUES: * I distribute the Questionnaire to the respondents to know their views. * I used the SERVEQUAL model format for my Research, because it’s the best way to measure the service quality and I have use the licart scale in the options of the questions. * Questioner consists of 22 statements about perception and 22 statements about the expectations. * The questions are based on 5 dimensions: * Tangibility, assurance, reliability, responsiveness empathy.SAMPLE AND SAMPLE SIZE * I have chosen random sampling for data collection method, and sample size is 100. POPULATION AND RESPONDENTS * As research is based on the service quality of hospitals so I choose private hospital and center’s patients of Larkana as my population. I will mainly focus on the patients of different hospitals and centers located in larkana. STATISTICAL PROCESSING OF INFORMATION * The data which is collected have been analyzed in SPSS software for further results and findings, to measure the gap between expectation and perception of the patients.Five dimensions of the SERVEQUAL Model Data Analysis: Reliability test: Expectation Perception Reliability Statistics| Cronbach's Alpha| N of Items| .555| 22| Reliability Statistics| Cronbach's Alpha| N of Items| .917| 22| This is the reliability test of SERVEQUAL Model for ho spitals in larkana. If we look around the expectation side the reliability value is 0. 555, and the value of perception is 0. 917. Means there is high reliability at perception side. So the overall questioners are effective.Descriptive Analysis: Statistics Expectation| | tangible| reliable| responsiveness| Assurance| empathy| N| Valid| 100| 100| 100| 100| 99| | Missing| 1| 1| 1| 1| 2| Mean| 6. 31| 6. 16| 6. 37| 6. 75| 6. 34| Median| 6. 25| 6. 20| 6. 50| 6. 50| 6. 40| Mode| 7| 7| 7| 7| 7| Std. Deviation| . 550| . 618| . 661| 2. 570| . 687| Statistics Perception| | tangibileavg| reliabilityavg| responsivnessavg| assuranceavg| emphathyavg| N| Valid| 100| 100| 100| 100| 100| | Missing| 0| 0| 0| 0| 0| Mean| 4. 16| 4. 58| 4. 07| 4. 2500| 4. 1600| Median| 4. 00| 4. 60| 4. 00| 4. 000| 4. 2000| Mode| 4| 5| 4| 4. 50| 4. 00| Std. Deviation| 1. 229| 1. 107| 1. 147| 1. 15142| 1. 14486| Above two tables are showing the mean, median, mode and standard deviation of expectation and perception. The r esults clearly shows that the overall expectations are high than the perception, if we look to the values of mean at the expectation side is about 6 in all the variables but at the perception side it is about 4. So there is a still huge gap which shows that still there are people who are dis-satisfied from the services of Hospitals in Larkana.Same wise the median has averagely value is about 6. 5 in all the variables but at expectation side it is only 4. 5. Expectation side mode has value 7 in all the values but when it comes to perception it is only 4. Standard deviation also shows the huge difference between expectation of the customers and the service the perceived. These results clearly shows that there is still a gap which shows that the overall service quality of hospitals are not match or fulfill the expectations of the customers, that the main reason of increase rate of dissatisfied customers.The results also show that in assurance (knowledge and courtesy of employees and th eir ability to convey trust and confidence) people have more expectation but they perceived less in the Hospital’s of larkana. So we can finaly conclude that results are clearly showing the gap between the expectation and perception, which is huge gap. Conclusion & achievement Service quality is always a big topic to debate, because it’s difficult to understand and measure the service quality.We can simply define a service quality with the help of people expectation and perception about a certain field. As much as the gap is high the service quality is negative, but if there is a low gap or expectation and perception are equal it means there is a good service quality. This study is also done for the purpose to find and measure the service quality of hospitals in the larkana, with the help of SERVEQUAL Model, which is the worldwide best way to measure the SERVICE quality.The main purpose of conducted this study is to know the overall performance of the private hospitals . Because it’s very necessary that customer should be satisfied from the services than they can become the loyal with that particular industry or company. After conducting this research we come to know that there is still a huge gap between the expectations of the patients and the perception that they have perceived from the hospital, so it clearly shows the performance of hospitals in larkana.The other main drawback is that hospital’s are not understanding the basically needs of the customer, they shouldn’t provide them those services effectively which customer want from them. So we can conclude that maintain the service quality is very necessary for every organization especially in the field of medical, but in Larkana after doing the research we come to know that still there is a huge gap between expectation and perception and the overall services of hospitals are not up to that level and still they need to improve a lot to satisfy their customers (Patients).B IBLIOGRAPHY http://www. serviceperformance. com/articles/33_Five_Service_Dimensions. php http://www. proserv. nu/Docs/Servqual. pdf http://eprints. utm. my/9514/1/SeyedHosseinSiadatMFSKSM2008. pdf http://www. fm-kp. si/zalozba/ISSN/1854-4231/5_195-209. pdf http://www. journal-archieves14. webs. com/1397-1408. pdf http://www. eurojournals. com/IBBA_11_10. pdf
Saturday, November 9, 2019
Super custom essays Essay Example
Super custom essays Essay Example Super custom essays Essay Super custom essays Essay Many customers wonder what is the superior service and quality and when they hear this question the answer is often long and uncertain. They list the traits that a company should have without asking themselves what they want to receive from it. Superior companies or services are considered as expensive and unreachable for a regular customer so many people abandon searching and they do not trust companies that are not well known. The truth is that superior companies are among us and receiving top quality service is more than real. But what is superior quality? Those companies who deliver the list of promised services providing their customers with top quality treat its customers kindly and meet the expectations of the client could and should be called superior. Along with different kinds of companies there are some that spread their activity on the Internet and have no physical location. Paper writing service is one of the few companies that a young customer start dealing with. For students its not easy to pick up a superior company that will meet all his expectations and wont fail to deliver the paper on time. There are hundreds of companies that gave their customer negative experience and many students are aware of ordering custom essays again. However, students should not worry much about it as there are many reliable companies waiting for new customers and all they have to do is choose wisely. There is a list of responsibilities that a company should follow to deliver superior custom essays and students should pay much attention on it. Heres what to look for when ordering super custom essays: first of all, ensure that they are completed by writers who have an excellent reputation. If you are new to this industry, you may not out-rightly determine whether a custom essays provider hires reputable writers. However, this should not be difficult. Go ahead and place orders for few term papers or research papers and see what happens. These orders must not be real they can as well be very short dummies that will not cost you much. The reason why it is suggested to place a test order is because reviews and opinions of other people may be biased. The opinions may come from competitors who are determined to outdo their rivals. Many companies use unfair policy and try to manipulate the market by leaving the fail testimonials and this is one of the reasons why customers are so frustrated. They leave negative testimonials to a good company to attract new customers to their own company and making a test order is a good check. While ordering your custom essays, you may also want to consider the competence of your preferred companys writers. Do these writers beat deadlines? Do they alter your instructions to suit their own needs? Do they format your papers accordingly? If the answer to all these questions is right, then count yourself lucky. Not all custom essay service providers fulfill all these requirements, and so if you are lucky to find one that can suit the entire set, the best thing to do is to stay with it. You are lucky to read it as our company hires only top professionals which we are very proud of and they complete every order excellently proving the superior quality delivery and increasing the reputation of the company. At our company all your demands and expectations will be met and you can leave your worries behind being sure about our guarantees. Authenticity is another important factor that ultimately determines whether your custom essays, research papers or term papers are of a superior quality. A plagiarized paper can lead to suspension or dismissal from college. In that case, ensure that your term papers, custom essays, or research papers are written by qualified writers. These writers must have the ability to write research or custom papers from scratch. If they happen to borrow words, thoughts, or opinions from other authors, they must acknowledge all that they borrow appropriately. Our company is a good exception and we provide our customer with an authenticity check and unlike other companies we deliver it absolutely free without charging additional funds like other companies do. We consider it as a mandatory service to insure the superior quality of our custom essays. As a client, you never compromise on the quality of your orders.
Wednesday, November 6, 2019
Free Essays on Tim Obrien
Tim O’Brien â€Å"†¦The literal truth is ultimately, to me, irrelevant. What matters to me is the heart-truth. I’m going to die, you’re all going to die; the earth is going to flame out when the sun goes. We all know the facts. The truth – I mean, does it matter what the real Hamlet was like, or the real Ulysses – does it matter? Well, I don’t think so. In the fundamental human way, the ways we think about in our dream-lives, and our moral lives, and our spiritual lives, what matters is what happens in our hearts. A good lie, if nobly told, for good reason, seems to me preferable to a very boring and pedestrian truth, which can lie, too.†-Tim O’Brien 1999 Tim O’Brien manipulates the reader’s customary understanding Tim by giving the narrator of â€Å"The Things They Carried†his own name and many of his own biographical details (date of birth, military record, and so on) while simultaneously stressing, throughout the narrative, that all the characters (including the narrator) are fictional and all the stories (including those in which the narrator takes part) are invented. It could be said that, in â€Å"The Things They Carried†, everything is true but nothing is authentic (Wharton). O’Brien’s readers have experienced immense difficulty when trying to get to grips with the slippery nature of the so called â€Å"authenticity†(or in fact the inauthenticity†) of O’Brien’s writing. Of all the devices used to blur the boundaries between truth and fiction, the books narrator seems to present the most difficulties for the reader. To understand O’Brien’s writing, it seems to be essential to make a clear distinction between Tim O’Brien the fictitious narrator (â€Å"The I-narrator) and Tim O’Brien the real, living author (â€Å"Tim O’Brien†or â€Å"O’Brien†). Tim O’Brien is an author still living and writing. He was born in 1946, in a small town in Minnesota (Gale Group, 1999). After graduating... Free Essays on Tim Obrien Free Essays on Tim Obrien Tim O’Brien â€Å"†¦The literal truth is ultimately, to me, irrelevant. What matters to me is the heart-truth. I’m going to die, you’re all going to die; the earth is going to flame out when the sun goes. We all know the facts. The truth – I mean, does it matter what the real Hamlet was like, or the real Ulysses – does it matter? Well, I don’t think so. In the fundamental human way, the ways we think about in our dream-lives, and our moral lives, and our spiritual lives, what matters is what happens in our hearts. A good lie, if nobly told, for good reason, seems to me preferable to a very boring and pedestrian truth, which can lie, too.†-Tim O’Brien 1999 Tim O’Brien manipulates the reader’s customary understanding Tim by giving the narrator of â€Å"The Things They Carried†his own name and many of his own biographical details (date of birth, military record, and so on) while simultaneously stressing, throughout the narrative, that all the characters (including the narrator) are fictional and all the stories (including those in which the narrator takes part) are invented. It could be said that, in â€Å"The Things They Carried†, everything is true but nothing is authentic (Wharton). O’Brien’s readers have experienced immense difficulty when trying to get to grips with the slippery nature of the so called â€Å"authenticity†(or in fact the inauthenticity†) of O’Brien’s writing. Of all the devices used to blur the boundaries between truth and fiction, the books narrator seems to present the most difficulties for the reader. To understand O’Brien’s writing, it seems to be essential to make a clear distinction between Tim O’Brien the fictitious narrator (â€Å"The I-narrator) and Tim O’Brien the real, living author (â€Å"Tim O’Brien†or â€Å"O’Brien†). Tim O’Brien is an author still living and writing. He was born in 1946, in a small town in Minnesota (Gale Group, 1999). After graduating...
Monday, November 4, 2019
Futures, forwards and options are used for risk reduction, speculation Essay
Futures, forwards and options are used for risk reduction, speculation and arbitrage purposes - Essay Example will, however focus on three derivatives only; futures, forwards, and options contracts and evaluate their roles in risk reduction, arbitrage purposes, and speculation. Futures are also known as futures contracts in finance. By definition, a futures contract is one that is standardized and features two different parties who agree to buy and/or sell a specific asset with a standard quality and quantity for a price that is agreed on before the actual delivery and payment occurs. However, the delivery and payment day, which occurs on a future date is specified and fixed, and is referred to as the â€Å"delivery date†(Suitcliffe 2006, p. 19). For instance, one may need to buy a specific make of an asset, such as a Smartphone that happens to be out of stock at a certain shop. Owing to the fact that he needs that one make of the phone, they can come to terms with the proprietor that he imports the phone from elsewhere, then sells it to the buyer later for a price that they agree on at that current time. This contract’s negotiation takes place at a futures exchange. A futures exchange or market is itself a neutral financial exchange in whic h trades of standardized futures occur. In short, a futures market acts as an intermediary between the buyer and seller and sees to it that they come to an agreement regarding the exchange of commodities or financial instruments at a certain time with a specific future delivery time (The Telegraph 2014). The party willing to acquire an underlying asset in a later time (future) is called the buyer of the futures contract, whereas the party willing to sell the same is called the seller of the contract. Since the buyer of the contract has the permission to make a deal and await delivery without any variations to the price, he is referred to as â€Å"long†. The seller on his part who has the mandate to deliver the asset on the specified date without altering the price to the buyer is referred to as â€Å"short†. A futures contract, with
Saturday, November 2, 2019
Are two sets of GAAP really needed for Colleges and Universities Research Paper
Are two sets of GAAP really needed for Colleges and Universities - Research Paper Example This resulted in difference in accounting procedures and financial reporting models adopted by the private institutions as compared to the public institutions which followed fund-based reporting. Later with the introduction of GASB in 1984, public institutions abandoned fund-based reporting to adopt the GASB guidance to conform to federal government directive. This has led to difference in the comparability of the financial statements where to institutions uses different rules and procedures in financial reporting (Hoyle, et al 831). The user of independent university and colleges are mainly rating agencies, donors, students, parents and federal agencies. The FASB provides for recognition of contribution, pledges, impairments and investments. These disclosures are important to the stakeholders in making decisions. On the other hand GASB does not allow for of contributed services, trusts, capitalization of software and pledges, are not necessary since the stake holders are interested in such disclosures. Therefore, the two set of GAAPs does not allow comparability between the public university and independent institutions (Ruppel 563). As delineated above both the FASB and GASB occasion disparity in display, disclosure, measurement and recognition thus challenging the comparability of financial statement. This occasions difficulties in ascertaining the transparency in financial reporting between the two similar institutions. Although both public and private universities and colleges objectives are similar, they differ on interested stakeholders who may require different disclosures to be made in the financial statements. Therefore, the financial statement and the disclosures should be tailor made to meet the need of the stakeholders. In conclusion, if the two boards could harmonize the measurements, display, disclosure and recognition of the financial reporting model and
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