Tuesday, December 31, 2019
Creative Use of Symbolism and Irony in Shirley Jacksons...
A lottery has always provided a sense of hope and adventure to people, but the lottery takes on an entirely different significance in Shirley Jackson’s â€Å"The Lottery†. The story takes place in a village of roughly three hundred people. Everyone in the village gathers at the center to take part. One representative from each family comes up, to take a piece of paper from an old, black, wooden box. The Hutchinson family has the black dot; each family Hutchinson member then comes up to pick another piece of paper. Mrs. Hutchinson has the second black dot; she is made to come to the center of the circle, and she is stoned to death by the crowd. Shirley Jackson illustrates clearly the brutality in human nature. By using creative symbolism, irony†¦show more content†¦The box becomes shabby and faded, which represents how the ritual is outdated and barbaric. There is also another clue suggesting death, and it is the last name of one of the characters: â€Å"†¦Mr. Graves made up the slips of paper and put them in the box...†(55). His name is Graves, implying that someone in the story may be going to a grave, which of course, means death. Shirley Jackson does a beautiful job of incorporating irony into the story. The name of the man that runs the lottery is Mr. Summers. Summer is thought to be a fun, happy, time of the year when people relax and do what they please. Nothing about this man is happy, so it’s ironic his last name is Summers. The elderly are usually thought to be wise, however, â€Å"†¦Old Man Warner, the oldest man in town†¦Ã¢â‚¬ (52), is superstitious and ignorant. He calls a village that gave up the lottery a â€Å"Pack of crazy fools†(55), when in actuality, it makes sense to give up the lottery. The final bit of irony is in the title itself. The title is â€Å"The Lottery†. People want to win the lottery. People purchase tickets even though they probably won’t win. In this story, the last thing people want to do is win the lottery. Mood is the way the author makes the reader feel in a literary work. The mood is mysterious and centers around the uncertainty of what the lottery is. The reader starts to wonder when characters are not happy about winning the lottery: â€Å"You didn’t give him time enough to take anyShow MoreRelatedThe Lottery : Symbolism And Symbolism973 Words  | 4 PagesAfter reading The Lottery you might think about what you are actually winning in a lottery type setting. In the story which is enriched with irony and symbolism. As a reader interpreting the uses of each of these is crucial on discovering the full story. The shabby black box represents both the tradition of the lottery and the illogic of the villagers’ loyalty to it. The black box is nearly falling apart, hardly even black anymore after years of use and storage, but the villagers are unwillingRead MoreANALIZ TEXT INTERPRETATION AND ANALYSIS28843 Words  | 116 Pagesfor they introduce us to information that would otherwise be unavailable and thus increase our knowledge and understanding of present events. Evaluating Plot Having studied a given story or novel, to see how the author has arranged and made us use the elements of plot, we should be ready to evaluate his or her success. The customary test of a plot’s effectiveness is its unity: the degree to which each episode and the place it occupies in the narrative structure of the work bear in some necessary
Monday, December 23, 2019
Is Vaccines A Medical Invention - 1577 Words
Introduction Vaccines are considered to be a medical invention that has eradicated diseases like measles, rubella, and whooping cough and prevented people from suffering devastated symptoms (Chatterjee O Keefe, 2010). Even though it is a great medical invention, today there is diminished trust by parents, couple with their concern of its safety. Parents are concern that thiomersela component that contains mercury in vaccines, causes autism (Center for Disease Control and Prevention [CDC], 2013 b). Even though scientific evidence shows there is no relationship between autism and vaccine (CDC, 2013 b). Parents are stating it is their autonomy to protect their children from unsafe drugs. However, the government and public health workers don’t share the parents’ views. This has gotten a lot of attention due to the recent out breaks of measles at Disney Land and the return of whooping cough. Vaccinating children protects them from suffering devastating disease and protect t he community at large. Since the discovery of vaccines in the 20th century, today’s parents, government, and public health workers have limited or no experience of the devastating effects of polio, smallpox, or measles (Chatterjee O’Keefe, 2010). Parents claim the right of autonomy to opt out of vaccination that has led the government to taking a paternalistic approach to protect the right of community. The purpose of this paper is to examine the balance of individual autonomy versus the right toShow MoreRelatedEssay1735 Words  | 7 PagesDrug Administration (FDA). Research institutions and scientists in the past have created a subtle and diverse trend in testing their medical discoveries on humans. Unlike today’s researchers and institutions that use animals and other living things to test their discoveries, scientists of the past gained it necessary to test their newly discovered vaccines and medications using mentally disable children, who rights weren’t protected under the constitution preliminary. Finding a cure to most ofRead MoreEssay On Science For Children1689 Words  | 7 PagesDrug Administration (FDA). Research institutions and scientists of years back have created a subtle and diverse trend in testing their medical discoveries on humans. Unlike today’s researchers and institutions that use animals and other living things to test their discoveries, scientists of the past gained it necessary to test their newly discovered vaccines and medications using mentally disable children, who rights weren’t protected under the constitution preliminary. Finding cure to most ofRead MoreEducating Children From Sickness And Disease1377 Words  | 6 PagesGoing into the medical field, one of the duties would be administering and the education of vaccines. To explain to parents what the vaccine is for and how to protect their children from sickness and disease. Vaccines are one of the most controversial topic in medicine today. Most new parents take their babies to the doctor to be vaccinated at the recommended times. Over the past many years, there has been several scares concerning the vaccines. Some parents even refuse the vaccines because of theRead MoreThe Epidemic Of Smallpox Vaccine943 Words  | 4 Pagesbreakthrough. It is easy for us to assume that’s how the history of medicine has always been. On the contrary, medicine became positively modern in the 19th century, new inventions were introduced, new discoveries were brought to their attention, remedies was in the spotlight, and the start of women’s professions generated. Vaccines are the most successful strategies in medicine to prevent and even eliminate the most gruesome and contagious diseases. For centuries, smallpox traumatized the human raceRead MoreVaccines And Its Effects On Children1339 Words  | 6 PagesNowadays, there are many vaccines invented by different scientists. Vaccines are so much in demand that even a simple flu has a certain vaccine. They have been invented to protect us. Its main function is to build our immune system and allow it to work against different kinds of bacteria. However instead of helping us fight against infection and certain diseases, vaccines can be the main cause of infection and diseases. Because of its live-attenuated organism, which means the pathogens were partiallyRead MoreShould Vaccinations Be Mandatory Vaccinations? Essay1451 Words  | 6 Pagespotential risks involved in vaccinations. In the Frontline documentary The Vaccine War, Dr. Anthony Fauci states, â€Å"What is the risk of injecting s omething into someone’s arm? The risk is that a certain proportion of people will get swelling and a little bit of pain, lasting from an hour to a day†(Frontline). He goes on to talk about the small risks of allergic reactions to the chemicals incorporated into the vaccines. These are real risks, and should not be understated., as these allergic reactionsRead MoreThe Importance Of Vaccines1035 Words  | 5 Pages Humanity is better than it was just 2 centuries ago thanks to vaccines. Currently there is a debate between people for vaccination and people who are not, called â€Å"Anti-Vaxxers†. Some feel the need to oppose vaccines because they think the ingredients are too risky, and its their choice regardless. Others feel that vaccines are beneficial because the positive effects it has on safety of our society. Vaccines should be required for everyone because the benefits outweigh the risks. First, oneRead MoreVaccines Prevent The Human Race1697 Words  | 7 Pagesâ€Å"Vaccines prevent an estimated 2.5 million deaths among children younger than age 5 every year, [however;] 1 child dies every 20 seconds from a disease that could have been prevented by a vaccine†(Global Health Security: Immunization). Providing immunity to human, vaccines have saved countless lives through one simple injecting and have eradicated many diseases that used be common among people. Vaccines is the solution and allow us to be able to combat diseases that have overwhelmed humans for centuriesRead MoreVaccination For Children And Immune Compromised Adults1365 Words  | 6 PagesVaccines are made up of a weakened version of the bacteria or virus, or dead forms of the organism, or in other cases, an inactivated toxin that is produced by the bacteria. Upon the introduction of vaccine into the body, the immune system is manipulated into thinking that the body is under attack and produc es specific antibodies as a defense mechanism. These antibodies stay in the bloodstream, protecting the body against actual infections for months, years or even a lifetime. Why are vaccines importantRead MoreVaccination Of Vaccinations Should Be Mandatory1403 Words  | 6 Pages Vaccines Should be Mandatory in Order to Attend School Standard Number 6.4.B Jessica Crowe James H. Groves CEA3 ARGUMENT PAPER Jessica Crowe James H. Groves 30 June 2017 Vaccines Should be Mandatory in order to Attend School Standard Number: 6.4.B Protecting a child’s health is very important to parents! That is why they should vaccinate them as young children. All children should be required to have vaccinations in order to start school in every state. Each year about 85% of
Saturday, December 14, 2019
The Air Pollution Report Free Essays
string(82) " this you can see that biological damage is most pronounced in forests and lakes\." Air pollution is a major problem facing our environment today. This dilemma is harmful to every single living creature on this planet. How can we limit the causes of air pollution? There are industrial as well as residential causes of air pollution. We will write a custom essay sample on The Air Pollution Report or any similar topic only for you Order Now How can we limit the effects of air pollution? We all know it affects the environment, but do we all know it also can affect us directly? How can we control air pollution? Is the government doing its job to protect us? Air pollution can be defined as impureness of the air. Air pollution is all around us. It might not be as clearly visible in some areas as others but the fact is that air pollution is still there affecting us in some way, shape, or form. It has been known to cause illness and/or death. Many people are not aware of this. There are two main causes of air pollution. One of the main causes is natural pollution. â€Å"Natural pollution is windblown dust, pollen, fog, etc. †The other main cause is people pollution. â€Å"People pollution is the chief concern and most serious form. Most of people pollution is caused by industry, cars, trucks, and airplanes. †The causes of air pollution go on and on. There are residential causes and industrial causes. Residential causes are those such as automobile emissions and forest fires. Industrial causes are those such as factory emissions and the burning of fossil fuels. One residential cause is the emissions of automobiles. This is probably the most harmful cause, at least in the United States of America it is. People drive automobiles every day to get from point A to point B. If automobiles did not exist, the air would most likely be cleaner but we would not be able to travel long distances in short periods. In any case, the problem remains that automobile emissions are harmful to the environment. This is how they generate automobile emissions into the atmosphere. Motor vehicle emissions are generated in several different ways and locations during engine/vehicle operation. The most important sources are, of course, those produced in combustion and vented through the exhaust pipe. These exhaust gases consist mainly of unburned HCs, CO, and NOx and account for approximately 90- 92% of all vehicle emissions. Some products of combustion are not vented through the exhaust system, as they slip by the piston rings and the cylinder walls. These â€Å"blowby†gases consist mainly of unburned HCs that accumulate in the crankcase exhaust port. A third source of emissions is the votalization of HCs through the carburetor and fuel tank vents. Carburetor emissions are pronounced during the â€Å"hot soak†period immediately following vehicle operation. Forest fires caused by the carelessness of humans puts harmful smoke into the environment. These forest fires do not happen often, but when they do, there is mass destruction caused to the atmosphere. In the early 1950’s, forest fires in the Southeastern United States covered huge areas of the country with smoke so thick that flights were canceled in New York City. Chlorofluorocarbons or CFC’s were developed by chemists at General Motors in 1928. When they were developed, they were looked upon as â€Å"miracle†gases that could be safely used for many purposes. They were not toxic. They were not carcinogens. They did not corrode the materials with which they came in contact. Nor were they flammable. Finally they could be manufactured easily and inexpensively. Over the years these CFC’s have been made to serve many purposes from refrigerator coolants to jet streams in aerosol cans and polystyrene material to air conditioners. When people do not properly dispose of CFC’s, they could escape into the atmosphere, creating a hole in the ozone layer. Air pollution was first realized as a major problem during the Industrial Revolution in Europe. Industrial pollution is particles (especially of metal dusts) and waste gases (especially carbon monoxide, sulfur oxides, and nitrogen oxides) that are waste products of industry and end up in the air. Industrial emissions are the second largest pollutants of the atmosphere after automotive exhausts. †Industries that are the major pollutants include petroleum refining, metal smelting, iron and steal mills, grain mills, and the flour handling industry. The most common chemical natured factory pollutant is methylene chloride. The burning of fossil fuels is a major cause of air pollution. Fossil fuels are formed from the remains of ancient plant and animal life such as coal and natural gas. If complete combustion of fossil fuels was possible, it would only produce heat energy, water vapor, and carbon dioxide. However, since this not possible because the level of oxygen is never ideal, carbon monoxide forms. The incombustible material enters the atmosphere as smoke, dust, soot, and particles of tarry (tar-like) hydrocarbon substances. Small amounts of mineral and metal impurities are released into the air as fly ash. Sulfurous impurities produce sulfur oxides, especially sulfur dioxide. Sulfur dioxide combines with water in the air to form sulfuric acid, the largest component of acid rain. †Air pollution, as like any other pollution, is harmful to the environment. Unlike other pollutions though, air pollution is not always visible in the environment. Air pollution is the cause of acid rain, smog, and the hole in the ozone layer. Acid rain damages living organisms and materials. Deposition from acids, such as sulfuric acid and nitric acid and mixes with the rain and goes into the soil and bodies of water. This is most common in the Northeastern United States, where fossil fuel burning is highly concentrated. â€Å"Acid rain is killing more than lakes. It can scar the leaves of hardwood forests, wither ferns and lichens, accelerate the death of coniferous needles, sterilize seeds, and weaken the forests to disease, infestation, and decay. Below the surface, the acid neutralizes chemicals for plant growth, strips others from the soil and carries them to the lakes and literally retards the respiration of the soil. †From this you can see that biological damage is most pronounced in forests and lakes. You read "The Air Pollution Report" in category "Essay examples" In bodies of water, acid shock, caused by runoff of highly acidic water into lakes and streams when snow melts can greatly affect fish and other aquatic life. It also affects farmers. Vegetation may show damage through bleaching and spotting on leaves. In urban areas acid rain discolors and speeds up the erosion of marble, cement, historic monuments, and statues. When exposed to acid rain, steel corrodes two to four times faster in urban and industrial areas than in rural areas. Soot and grit deposited by acid rain onto buildings, cars, and clothes results in these materials needing to be cleaned and restored. In the United States alone, acid rain causes billions of dollars damage to materials. Smog is dirty fog. â€Å"Smog is a sort of ‘atmospheric soup’ of pollutants cooked up by the action of sunlight. This thick, brown haze is made of air polluted by automobile exhaust fumes, smoke, and aerosols. †Smog contains chlorinated and organic phosphates that get unleashed into the air from blowing farm particles, heavy metals, and evaporating acid. These chemicals make the smog even more toxic than most people think. Smog is developed when weather conditions are in the mid- eighties and there is little wind. Therefore, smog does not affect all parts of the world. It is most common in a city such as Los Angeles where these weather conditions exist. Ozone depletion is looked upon as a problem that up till now, we can not fix. Air pollution has caused this hole in the ozone layer. The ozone layer absorbs 99% of the sun’s harmful energy. It prevents ultraviolet radiation from reaching the Earth’s surface and the troposphere. It protects humans from sunburn, skin and eye cancer, and cataracts. It also prevents much of the oxygen in the troposphere from being converted to ozone (gas). In the mid-seventies chemists F. Sherwood Rowland and Mario J. Malian discovered â€Å"CFC’s were creating a global chemical time bomb by lowering the average concentration of ozone in the stratosphere. †In other words, the CFC’s were and are creating a hole in the ozone layer. As long as we keep using these CFC’s the hole is going to continue to grow wider and wider. Effects on the Health of Living Organisms Air pollution is hazardous to our health. It can endanger the health of living organisms in several ways. One way, is by introducing particulate matter and poisonous gases into the respiratory systems of humans, animals, and plant leaves. Another way is by increasing the acidity of precipitation, which alters the chemistry of soil and water. One more way, is that it engages chemical reactions in the atmosphere that increase the exposure of living organisms to harmful radiation. Yet another way that it affects living organisms is by altering globally, the composition and ultimately the temperature of the atmosphere and thus producing conditions that threaten the survival of living organisms. In humans air pollution especially affects our respiratory system. Our respiratory system has a number of protective mechanisms built to protect against exposure to air pollution. Hairs in the nose filter out large particles. The mucus lining in the upper respiratory tract helps capture and dissolve smaller particles and gaseous pollutants. Sneezing and coughing helps to remove contaminated air and mucus when the respiratory system is exposed to pollutants. Long term exposure to cigarette smoke and other air pollutants can ruin the natural defenses, resulting in respiratory conditions such as allergic reactions like asthma, and diseases such as lung cancer, emphysema, or chronic bronchitis. Air pollution can also cause other health problems. It can cause extreme allergic reactions. It also can cause headaches, nausea, rashes, and swelling. Such activities as jogging, bicycling, and other strenuous outdoor activities, while being done in areas with high concentrations of air pollution, can cause vigorous coughing and chest pain. The hole in the ozone layer is the cause of many cases of skin cancer. There are three basic approaches to control air pollution. The first approach is called preventive measures. This means that they would change the raw materials sed in industry or the ingredients of fuel. The second approach is called dispersal measures. That is raising of the smokestacks. The third one is called collection measures. This is done by designing equipment to trap pollutants before they get into the atmosphere. Most highly industrialized countries have legislation to prevent and/or control air pollution. In the U. S. air pollution is the responsibility of the state and local governments. All states have an air quality management program that are patterned after federal laws. The basic federal law is the Clean Air Act of 1970. It was last amended in 1990. Under law the Federal Environmental Protection Agency sets the standards for air quality. The EPA sets the limits on the amounts of air pollutants that can be given off by automobiles, factories, and other sources. Air quality programs have improved many areas. There are several examples on how these air quality programs have improved areas. One example is that burning low sulfur coal and oil in factories and power plants has lowered levels of air pollution in the areas of the factories and plants. Another example is that automobile engines have been redesigned to emit lower emissions. New cars are equipped with devices such as catalytic converters which change pollutants into harmless substances. Because of this, air pollution from car exhaust has also been reduced. The EPA released the Pollution Prevention Strategy in February of 1991. The strategy provides guidance on the EPA’s ongoing environmental protection efforts and includes a plan for achieving substantial voluntary reductions of targeted high risk industrial chemicals. The major component of the strategy is the Industrial Toxics Project. The EPA has identified seventeen high risk industrial chemicals that offer significant opportunities for prevention. These seventeen pollutants present both significant risks to human health and the environment and opportunities to reduce such risks through prevention. â€Å"Scrubbers are pollution control devices used in industry to remove aerosols and waste gases. †Wet scrubbers operate by directing sprays of water or other liquids into chambers containing exhaust gases. The gases are then washed away in the liquid. Another form of scrubber works by a process called adsorption in which gases are removed by activated charcoal and filtering. Another way to control air pollution is to use alternate or renewable sources of energy. One of these alternate sources is solar power. The number of solar power plants is increasing as the markets expand for this power source. There is absolutely no pollution from solar power. â€Å"However, backup systems using conventional fuels are needed at night, during bad weather, and in the snowbelt areas, where the sun is often obscured during the winter months. Another thing is that the cost of solar energy is much higher than fossil fuels. Another alternate form of energy is nuclear power. Nuclear power is energy that is generated by radioactive fuels at nuclear plants. Nuclear power is often described as clean power when it is compare to fossil fuels. Nuclear power would limit air pollution problems since nuclear plants do not produce carbon dioxide or any of the gases that cause acid rain. On the downside, if there are nuclear power plants, there is always the threat of a nuclear fallout. If any radioactive materials escape from the plant, they could expose the people to radioactive contamination. The dilemma of air pollution is a major problem that faces our world today. What if we can’t go outside because the smog is to thick? What happens when the acid rain gets potent enough to eat right through our skin? What do we do when the hole in the ozone layer widens and melts the polar ice caps? These could be some of the questions we will ask if we don’t find ways to control the problem of air pollution. How to cite The Air Pollution Report, Essay examples
Friday, December 6, 2019
The Marketing Is a Vast Concept Which Witnesses the Assemblage
Question: Discuss about the Marketing Is a Vast Concept Which Witnesses? Answer: Introduction Certain circumstances compel the individuals to expose certain behavioural conduct. Customers can be accounted as a categorization of the individuals. Conjunction of both the sentences results in the establishment of the fact that customers possess individual likes and dislikes (Schiffman et al. 2013). Appropriate application of these likes and dislikes at appropriate places enhances the purchasing power of the customers. Along with this, attempts undertaken by the companies and organizations, to provide quality services influence the purchasing decisions of the customers. Herein, the decisions become an essential part of the behavioural conduct of the customers. This essay, from the perspective of a marketing officer speculates the consumer behaviour within the business environment through the application of the public policy. Discussion The following is an in-depth presentation of the dynamics of consumer behaviour in a question-answer format. Possession of expertise as a marketing officer projects the justification behind the presentation of the report. The main objective of this question-answer is to conduct a market survey regarding the phases of transformation in the behaviour of the customers from the era of 2008 till the present age. Improvement in the marketplace At the first instance, beautification of the market environment would create a good image in the minds of the customers. Attractive entrance generates an urge within the customers to enter and explore the marketplace (Solomon 2014). On the contrary, keeping the entrance of the marketplace simple might not attract a large number of customers; however, it would attract the customers belonging to the middle class. Viewing it from the other perspective, customers, preferring simplicity would definitely visit the marketplace. As a sequential step, maintaining quality of the products would influence the purchasing decisions of the customers. As a matter of specification, it would align with the passion of the customers to possess branded products (Kardes, Cronley and Cline 2014). Within this, conducting market research would prove beneficial for the company in terms of gaining an insight into the products previously in demand within the market and the customer approaches towards the levied products and services. Apart from this, gifting innovative quality products to the customers would assist them to take right decisions in terms of selecting the right product. Exposure of conscious approach towards the needs, demands and requirements of the customers would add to the roles and responsibilities of the marketing officer (Cypryja?ski, Grzesiuk and Rudawska 2016). Happiness and satisfaction of the customers would simultaneously provide satisfaction to the personnel in terms of providing quality products and services to the customers. Herein, the role of the marketing officer attains prime importance. Right to information for the customers The marketing personnel, such as marketing officer, are entrusted with the responsibility to convey right, authentic and valid information to the customers. For this, proper communication channels needs to be adopted. Typical example is the social media. However, mostly it is seen that the companies and organizations make false promises at the time of advertising the products and services. This adversely affects the purchasing power of the customers (Huang et al. 2015). Absence of proper access to the communication channels deprives the customers of quality and branded products. Along with this, biasness with the customers acts as a deviation from the duties that the marketing officerare entitled to follow. Herein, the behavioural parameter attains a negative tone. All these aspects aggravate the complexities of the buyers in terms of exercising their buying power and decisions. In order to attain the top-most position in the rat race, most of the personnel exert illegal force upon t he buyers. The intensity of this issue grips the buyers within a fear, which limits their buying power (Ramsay, Wagner and Kelly 2013). Negligence towards the needs of the customers for attaining power snatches away the basic rights that the customers possess as an individual. Right to Information is one such name, which enables the customers to attain justice upon being victimized of levying incorrect information. Viewing it from other perspective, negligent attitude towards these issues nullifies the role of the customer service personnel. The major drive behind this is the absence of quality service. Opportunities of compensation and reimbursement This question acts as an address to the previous question. Speculation of the earlier phases, there were no forums, where the customers could approach (Horner and Swarbrooke 2016). This reflected a negative tone towards the performance of the marketing officer. However, deprivation of the customers in terms of obtaining quality products necessitates the need for development of the forums. In the modern age, there are many redressal forums, where the customers can appeal for suits or claims in terms of lost honour, justice and respect. Delving deep into the issue, there are many benefits, which the customers can enjoy in case of being victims of the quality products or other marketing issues. However, there still exist some loopholes in the functioning of the redressal forums and courts. As a matter of specification, there are no such benefits for the customers belonging to the customers belonging to the lower income group. Countering this, there are some benefits, however, their numb er is very few (Erevelles, Fukawa and Swayne 2016). In this respect, the action of promise as mentioned in the proposed question is contradicted. Risk factors of the customers The scarcity of redressal forums for customers aggravates the intensity of the risk factors. Viewing it from the other perspective, few number of customer redressed courts increases the tendencies of pressurizing the customers belonging to the lower income group. Exposure of negligence in this direction adversely affects the purchasing power of the customers. Along with this, it also stalls their well-being. Herein, lays the adoption of illegal means by the marketing officer for carrying out transitions with the associate partners. This practice reflects the non-compliance to the competition policies, which omits the transparency within the transactions, deals and trades (Pappas 2016). The issue attains the tone of concern in terms of online transactions, where the safety and security of customers personal data is lost. Hacker intervention, mails and friend requests from the strangers spoils the true purpose of internet marketing. These issues generate a fear within the minds of the customers, which restricts them from shopping online. In order to avert these kinds of situations, the marketing officer need to adopt security software, which would automatically detect the virus and hacker intervention. Installation of these software in the customer profile would ensure the safety and security of the customers personal belonging. Safeguarding the privacy of the customers data and belonging restores the faith and assurance in terms of online shopping (Vinerean et al. 2013). Strategic vision towards complying with the marketing legislations would help the personnel to indulge into fair trade and transactions with the contemporary brands. Emerging successful in this direction adds value to the roles and responsibilities of the marketing personnel. Marketing programs of non-profit organizations The name non-profit indicates their functionality of serving the human mankind. The prefix non relates to the action of bestowing quality products to the customers, instead of blindly following the contemporary brands in the rat race. Countering this, the non-profit organizations envision the happiness and satisfaction of the customers for achieving success in the marketplace. The means with which the personnel of the non-profit organizations satisfy the customers are the civic centres, museums and health care programs (Goh, Heng. and Lin 2013). In the civic centres, development of the courts helps the customers to get justice for being victims of false promises and deceives by the local shopkeepers. Providing attractive facilities and access to the customers belonging to the lower income groups would help the personnel to enhance the societal existence of these isolated and neglected people. Along with this, advertising innovative quality products and services at cheaper rates attra cts large number of customers. Organizing exhibitions help the personnel of the non-profit organization to gain an insight into the specific tastes and preferences of the customers. Apart from this, putting the products and services on the social media and websites portals escalates the sales revenue for the non-profit organizations (Ashley and Tuten 2015). This escalation pushes the profit margin. This type of transactions is devoid of any competition, as these activities are solely conducted for the purpose of aligning with the needs, demands and requirements of the customers. Organizing healthcare programs also helps the personnel to ensure the well-being of the customers. Providing free entrance for the lower strata of society in these programmes adds to the roles and responsibilities of the personnel in terms of improving the quality of living standards of the customers. Customer complaints Humans tend to blame others for the losses that they face in their lives. This blaming usually lacks the speculation of the events in terms of their own faults. However, attachment of the concept of marketing in this context, results in the projection of the fact that, it is usually the fault of the marketing officer in terms of levying improper quality products or conveying incorrect information to the customers (Kotler et al. 2015). The speculation of self-performance can be related to the action of self-evaluation. Discovery of the fact that the customers are at fault, results in the realization regarding improper application of the buying power. On the contrary, blaming others for their faults projects the appropriate application of the buying decision. The action of complaints attains the connotation of success and failure. Achieving success in proving the opposite person as the real culprit enhances and upgrades the behavioural conduct of the customers. On the contrary, achievi ng negative outcomes in terms of blames attaches an interrogative parameter to the buying decisions of the customers. Consistency in this blaming makes the customers aware in terms of their future purchases (Delafrooz, Taleghani, and Nouri 2014). As a matter of specification, they conduct researches and surveys, prior to the purchases for averting these kinds of shameful incidents. Within this, rational and conscious approach of the personnel influences the customers regarding their choice of the products. In view of these issues, market survey makes the customers aware of the products in demand within the market, which mitigates the instances of blaming. Market discrimination At the first instance, discrimination does not go side by side with the aspect of marketing. Marketing is a vast concept, which is for the whole of public domain. However, speculation of the facilities available to the immigrants in terms of marketing reflects the fact that discriminations persists. As the immigrants suffer from identity crisis, the marketing officers intend to shed off their responsibilities in terms of catering to the needs of the immigrants (Schiffman et al. 2013). Even the elderly people are not spared. There is a lack of quality services for the old age customers, which adversely affects their buying power. Absence of quality products and services deprives these customers from the passion of purchasing branded products. Maintaining frequency in the execution of activities such as family planning programs, diet plans and health care programs, acts as a wider platform for customers from all walks of life to involve in the marketing activities. This widens the buyi ng power of the customers. Advertisements Advertising the newly launched products to the customers through proper communication channels make them aware of activities undertaken by the marketing personnel, such as the marketing officer. Adherence and compliance to the safety of the customers help the personnel to get large scale customer satisfaction (Solomon 2014). Within this, transmitting false information adversely affects the purchasing decisions of the customers. False promises and deceives stains the individuality of the customers. Execution of the evaluation process helps the personnel to detect the transmission of deceptive information to the customers. Along with this, the customer approaches towards the transmitted information also indicates the presence of faults within the advertisements. Regular surfing of the social networking sites by the personnel mitigates the instances of misleading and deceptive advertisements. Adopting the means of survey and feedback makes the personnel aware of the customer approaches towards the advertisements (Kardes, Cronley and Cline 2014). Exposure of conscious and rationalistic attitude in this regards helps the personnel to ensure the safety, security and wellbeing of the customers. Moreover, levying proper and correct information to the customers preserves the sanctity, heritage and culture, which is being celebrated from the ancient period. Endorsement of the standards by the statutory bodies into the strategic actions is assistance in terms of preserving the values, culture and tradition of the civilization. Adoption of modern and technologically advanced machines results in the development of the developing countries. Organizing community services in a wider platform helps the personnel to bridge the gap between rich and poor (Cypryja?ski, Grzesiuk and Rudawska 2016). Depiction of the everyday scenes and characters in the advertisements helps the people to detect similarities with their lives. This helps in the achievement of large scale customer satis faction. On the other hand, projection of vulgar and obscene scenes relates with the tag of anti-social activities, which contradicts the true purpose of marketing. Moreover, it diminishes the value of awareness in the phrase, caveat emptor (Huang et al. 2015). Conclusion This essay emerges successful in providing an insight into the customer behaviour from the perspective of a marketing officer. Reference to the marketing issues enlivens the projection of behaviours by the customers. Herein, lays the appropriateness of the term market environment. Public policy relates to the attempts of the statutory bodies of law in terms of preserving the basic rights possessed by the customers as individuals. 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